September is almost upon us which means it’s time for the kids to go back to school!
We all know the importance of a healthy lunch, but over time the same options can become a bit boring and you can end up facing lunchboxes after school that have hardly been touched. We’ve put together a list of some hints and tips to keep the lunchboxes varied, healthy and hopefully empty by the end of the day!
1. Get The Kids Involved
Try and the get the kids involved in the planning and preparation. It not only gives you an extra pair of hands in the kitchen, but if the kids have chosen what they want from a few options, they’re a lot more likely to try them come lunch time.
2. Use Fruit To Cool The Lunchbox
Freeze berries, slices of bananas or grapes and then pop into a container. The fruit will defrost by lunchtime and the lunchbox will remain nice and cool. You could also try freezing yoghurt tubes for the same effect.
3. Make Snacks More Exciting
Try writing a little note or their name on a banana skin or a hard boiled egg.
4. Kids Fed Up With Sandwiches?
Instead of a sandwich, why not try giving them a pot of houmous with raw carrot, pepper and cucumber sticks for dipping?
5. Get The Right Balance
It can be hard to know whether you’re packing the right amount of different foods to ensure your child is getting a balanced diet. This is why we love the netmums lunch box planning chart. You just pick one item from each of the columns to create a healthy lunchbox for your child.