All of us at our Lichfield branch today took part in Macmillan’s World Biggest Coffee Morning. All of the staff made a variety of cakes to sell to our customers including some fabulous stiletto cupcakes!
We are very pleased to say that we raised £143.15 for Macmillan cancer support! Thank you very much to our of lovely customers to gave generously for such a fantastic cause, and another big thanks has to go to our equally lovely staff members who gave up their evening to bake some superb cakes!
If would like to give a donation to Macmillan just text CUPCAKE to 70550 (one text=£5), go to or phone 0845 074 2606.
Texts cost £5 plus network charge. Macmillan will receive 95p of every £1 donated in this way. Obtain bill payer’s permission first.